Tasked To Perfection.

In a skirt with bare legs and running shoes the barefoot sub has been tasked to perfection.At the end of my exciting weekend both Sir and B were both back on the road again. Though I knew it was coming I was still feeling a little blue. Having been tasked to perfection the previous week I’d asked Sir if I could have some things to work on. Having been stowed away for so long, now my submission bubbled over. I didn’t wish to force it back in it’s box so soon. Hoped I wouldn’t have to But he’d not set me any tasks, and was now on his way again. I’d be ok, that much was clear. I had my freedom so could make my own mischief. But while I recovered from an exciting yet challenging week, I’d take a little time to mope.

Then, while I sat with my sadness for a while, something unexpected happened.

An email.

From Sir!

“You asked me for some things to work on.”

Indeed, I had.

I read on…

There were five in total.

  1. Running
  2. Play
  3. Healing
  4. Photographs
  5. Create a Blog

1- When I’d first met Sir I’d been a runner, with lofty ambitions of running a marathon.

Now, I’d promised myself that I would get back to running when I hit 17 stone. Walking on Dartmoor had been my exercise while I decreased in mass. His task brought the running back into focus. If I was medically able to then I was to start running three times each week. Gradually building one of them to a long run of 10 miles. His caveat was always around physical health. If I was aggravating any injury then I was to stop.

I was half a stone over that target, but I was physically ok to go for it.

Would it be easy? No.

Was that a problem? Absolutely not!

2- I’d enjoyed playing with B, and he knew it.

He also understood that I was rooted to the spot with fear of exploring. So he tasked me to recreate the scene. Only this time he wanted to make sure that I was pleasured too. I had no idea where to start with this, but I would get my thinking cap on.

3- He was adamant that I allow my bruises to heal.

He was concerned that harm would come to me if they were impacted again. I truly valued his care of my body, when so frequently I had forgotten to care for it myself.

4- The photography task extended my photographic task from the week before.

He reinforced that it was a risky task, and that I was to ensure I wasn’t caught. Once a week I was to take and send a picture of my breasts from a new, public, location. How long his work would keep him overseas was anyone’s guess. Happily my mind came up with enough locations to keep him entertained for a couple of months.

5- The final task was a tricky one.

Prior to him setting me this task I had barely read any blogs. I didn’t have the first idea about how to go about this one. Also, I am a technophobe. At this point I struggled to attach images to emails! How on earth was I going to make it good enough to meet the standards I always aim for where Sir is concerned?

Initially he wanted me to share my journey, to plan it out and make it interesting. But most importantly- for me- was that I was to send him a link.

And so I started. Researching, planning, thinking.

Over the next few days I got stuck in to all of the tasks.

Almost immediately I’d created a table on Word, to record my weekly runs. Including time, and approximate distance. With a visit to my GP booked in already I asked whether he thought I could start running straight away. He knew how important this had been to me before, having shared my frustrations at being too big to partake. His thoughts were that physically I was capable, though it would be hard carrying the extra weight if I listened to my body it would be fine. He was glad to see my focus shift a little from “Oh, I can’t do that” to “what is possible”.

It seemed that my Dominant and my doctor were in cahoots!

Running didn’t just improve my mind set. It also gave me the perfect opportunity to get cracking with my photo task. After my counselling I went for my first run. In the rain, along the local seafront. There were dog walkers, and other people exercising. It certainly matched the challenge I had been set, keenly aware of my responsibility to not be seen.

Pulling on my trainers and getting back on the road again was definitely a game changer for me. You see, running also gave me the headspace to give the blog task a thorough going over. Friends, who read blogs, gave me hints and tips. Pointed me towards WordPress. Within 3 days I had sent him a link to my new space. I had a title and tag line. Plus a plan for the first 15 or so posts.

The fear I’d felt initially, upon reading his request to set up my own website, had eased a touch.

I may not have written anything yet.

Perhaps I still had no idea what I was doing.

But I did have a site, and I had neither cried or blown up my computer!

I managed to catch up with Sir briefly towards the end of the week.

He was very happy with all of my tasks bar one. Though I had tried really hard with a friend, I hadn’t quite matched his brief. He’d tasked me with perfection, but I missed the mark! My pleasure was not what he had hoped for, and as such I got my first ever B grading. He’d been hoping for an A++ and I was disappointed in myself. I had the option to leave it there or try again.

Well, I’m not sure if you’ve been paying attention to this blog, but I’m a recovering perfectionist!

I knew I would be trying again…

If you’ve enjoyed Tasked to perfection perhaps you would enjoy another post inspired by a task: A Stronger, more confident woman.

Wicked Wednesday

I’m sharing Tasked to Perfection to wicked wednesday. Not because I am a MILF at this point, but because the MILF in me was just about to emerge.


  1. The dynamic between you and your Sir is beautiful to read about, and I for one am very happy that he has tasked you to start a blog, as now we get to read your words and see your images 🙂
    ~ Marie xox

    1. I keep meandering off the topic he set, but that’s all part of the blogging journey, isn’t it?
      I’m not sure he could have imagined what a blogging-bore I’d become. I’ve always got plans and stats, worries and hare brain ideas to share with him. Fortunately he just absorbs it all. N xx

    1. He definitely doesn’t like to make it easy for me. But never asks more than he is certain I can handle and achieve. Setting me up for failure is not an option.

  2. I am glad he said take care to let you bruises heal – very important and it shows he has your best interest very close to his heart
    May xx

    1. I’m very grateful that he takes such care of me. I’m a strong, independent and bloody minded woman who struggles to let people put me first, but he shows me that it’s ok to do that. N xx

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