Fallen into Disrepair

Lady with breasts exposed at a tin miners cottage which has fallen into disrepair

My next scavenger hunt location is a tin miners cottage. Even when they have fallen into disrepair- as they will do over almost a thousand years- they are still things of beauty. I felt it was important to celebrate this archaeological heritage.

For those of you who have been following my blog for a while, you will know I love Dartmoor. I imagine you may have seen some of the images that Loki and I have created together over the years we’ve been friends. Dartmoor is not just beautiful and wild. It is also a living museum.

Well, to my mind anyway. I love to enjoy the rich history of the area, which is interesting as actual museums wouldn’t be my first choice of expedition. But when I can see the view from a tin miners front door, or lay down in their home, I can almost put myself in their world.

For all the public exposure images I’ve taken over the last few years I consider myself very lucky! Lucky to have never been seen. There have been close calls, but risk management has always been on my side. This week I’m sharing Little Gems post Ruined. Not only are the pictures absolutely gorgeous but the story made my heart race!

Scavenger Hunt Bronze

Did you have enjoy Fallen into Disrepair? If so please consider supporting A Leap Of Faith by buying me coffee.


    1. I’m very lucky to have such a lot of places local to me, and such good friends who indulge me in my hunting!

    1. It is glorious. And while my pictures are generally sunny, it is never more beautiful to me than when the weather draws in. 😍

      It is definitely worth a visit! N xx

    1. Lockdown will be easing, and the wider world will open.back up again. I’m looking forward to getting back up to Dartmoor, and also exploring dome other gorgeous places further afield.

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