I’m the barefoot sub, and welcome to my corner of the internet. Here you can find out more about me as well as have a tour of A Leap of Faith through my eyes.
First of all, who am I?
The barefoot sub is just a part of who I am. Not a small part, but one of many important pieces that make up the puzzle of my life. The two most important people in my world are my children, they inspire me to do my best every day. D comes in just below them (he knows, and this is the way it should be… for me at least) but my wider family and friends are not far behind.
Not only am I a mum, submissive, friend and daughter, I am a runner. A relatively new realisation for me, speed not being my forte, but… I run, therefore I am a runner! There are a great deal of other things that float my boat, but running is my preferred way to spend ‘normal’ me-time. Writing is also a big part of my life so therefore…
I am a writer.
I set off on my blogging journey in January 2018 when I was given the task of creating a blog. It was to be a place for me to tell the story of how I became the woman I am today. Over the last few years I have grown in confidence, with both my writing and my body. I have joined in with a selection of memes along the way, and have recently taken the reins for Boobday. It’s a great honour to be able to host this space where we can all celebrate breasts and chests in our own ways. There are many exciting (to me) adventures still to be shared on A Leap of Faith. My latest endeavour is to create content with others; find out more about that here.
I welcome communication from readers.
If you have questions for me, and don’t feel confident posting in the comments, please feel free to get in touch here. Or if you’d prefer then please do drop me a message on Twitter.
Nice and wise siteā¦