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After meeting Mr Knickers I wanted to create a scene which would work for me. Building in a touch of kink, but remaining in full control. I wanted an anonymous Fuck And Go. No kink, aside from being blindfolded, waiting in the middle of my living room floor. Much like I had been over a month before, when I popped tinsel in my letterbox. I didn’t want to stop being me, experiencing the sex that I wanted, just because Sir and I weren’t able to enjoy that together. No, I’d find a way to make this work on my terms.
For this scenario I ventured back to fabswingers.com. The Tinder experience having left me certain that it wasn’t the site for me. After prowling fab for a while, I found a man whose verifications were positive, and his attitude relaxed.
We spoke on the phone, I’m not a total risk taker!
The willing chap seemed to take on board my boundaries. There would be no kink this time, beyond the blindfold and anonymity. If he impressed me then we would see how things played out in future. He wasn’t to shorten my name or call me bitch. If I said no, stop, gerroff (or any other negative) the play would stop. My three hole status was revoked due to barely knowing him. (I love a good arse fuck, but that requires more trust than a random hook up.)
I was expecting him at 12.30.
At 12.25 I made my safety call to CC. Keeping an eye on the time I noted that he was running late. No matter, I was at the top of a big hill. He knocked at the door to announce himself and I pulled the blindfold into position. He was greeted with a view of me on all fours in the middle of my floor. Waiting. Condoms positioned atop the unlit log burner.
I heard him disrobe. Shoes discarded by the door, clothes draped over my sofa. Then he was at my mouth. Requiring very little encouragement from me to be ‘ready’.
But he wasn’t here to just fuck my face!
As discussed he soon switched ends. He didn’t try to persuade me to let him fuck my arse. And he didn’t try to spank my cheeks as he ploughed my pussy. Both were a big tick from me. This was good, I dislike pushy people. Some advice I’d received from Sir was to set boundaries closer than you need initially, to test them. Respectful people don’t try to get you to change your mind.
We had discussed him pleasuring me, fucking my mouth and pussy, then leaving. I didn’t want aftercare, but I did want orgasms. The toys I’d left out for my (our?) amusement didn’t have time to be used.
I guess the scenario was a huge turn on for him, and he finished with a flourish.
His mouth ejaculating “suck it Bitch” into my ears as his cum hit the back of my throat. Given my short list of limits, I’m surprised I didn’t bite his cock. But I did tell him off and he dressed quickly. Leaving me unsatisfied.
Checking in with CC again, I noticed it was less than twenty minutes since I’d let her know he was nearly with me. She thanked me for the prompt response and asked how I was feeling. My response: “Frustrated!” was met with a suggestion to call in back up cock. However, I chose to pleasure myself.
Self-fuck satisfaction guaranteed!
I wanted to share this to the final Wicked Wednesday Prompt: Bingo. Crossing off the “being you” box because I was finding ways to be me, in spite of my change in circumstances.
This is the latest chapter in the story behind the blog. If you’ve not read any before you can dip in and out of the posts or start at the beginning. The next post will be coming soon. Please do subscribe (in the sidebar) if you want to stay up-to-date.
From the story of how the barefoot sub became the woman she is today, to toy reviews, with a hefty dose of contemplation, a sprinkling of erotica and a LOT of nudity in between, you can be sure to find something to tickle your fancy at A Leap Of Faith.
I’m sorry your Mr Knickers didn’t satisfy. Was him performing cunnilingus off the table? You had a selection of toys visible and he had no imagination only his own satisfaction? Doesn’t sound like he deserves any call backs. Right?
Or did I miss something?
I used to fantasize about the faceless/anonymous fuck (see the story https://strugglingpeterpan.wordpress.com/2020/11/23/faceless-fuck-%ef%b8%8f2014-david-mei/ ) . There is something about connection however minimal that is important for me. Thanks for sharing. I need to catch up in your posts. I’ve been out of pocket for a bit.
Mr Knickers satisfied me physically but we were on the wrong page for a call back.
This guy was new. I’m. Ot a cunnilingus fan but the toys were there. And had been discussed! No cal back for him, no, definitely not.
I shall look forward to reading faceless fuck a little later.
There is so much I love about anonymous meets, however I have been learning what it is I love about them over the last year. This meet from 2018 means there is still a way to go until I figure that out on the page.
Thank you for reading and commenting. (my words have magically reappeared. Sorry for the influx!)
Interesting fantasy. sometimes it takes time knowing a person and being able to satisfy that indiviual to the max on the first go around. It took me 2 or 3 times with giving my fisrt BJ. He came but it wasn’t done to his satusfaction the first times. Learning over time
Love your blog and stories
But you gave him some pleasure, when doing something brand new, he must have appreciated your efforts to invite you back!
Unfortunately, for me to achieve the thrill of an anonymous play, it’s important to not have too much contact beforehand. But the conversations he and I had prior were clear, concise and exciting. I think he may just have been a little more excited than either of us anticipated. Speed isn’t a deciding factor in return invitations though. It was the lack of self control when he finished, the word bitch being a hard limit discussed before. *shrugs* No matter, we’ve connected since, on a friendly level, and he’s really a nice man.
Thank you for commenting. I’m so glad you enjoy my blog.
I can totally relate to why this hot. I have had similar fantasies but making it happen in a way that would work seems almost impossible. I love how you went for it though, sorry it didn’t work out. Do you think you will try again?
I’ve had a lot of fun creating different twists on this theme and I’m surely not done yet. 😉
It’s a bit of a learning curve but a safe and sexy anonymous encounter is very achievable with just the right level of communication and mystery. It is MUCH easier to create scenes like this with someone else to oversee proceedings though.
The idea of an anonymous fuck is one of my fantasies, and I love that you just made it happen. So sorry it didn’t work out and left you frustrated!
~ Marie xox
I hope if, or when, you revisit this theme the next swinger is much more fab than this one.
Hehe, I like what you did there.
I may have revisited this kind of thing… I may also have less faith in hu-MAN-ity than I did before. (No spoilers though. And no harm done.) But undeterred, I’m sure that I’ll find the right people for this particular kink.