How do we become who we are meant to be when it is so easy to be sinfully stereotyped and squeeze into the mould others have created for us? The following quote has given me something to mull over. She’s an amazingly inspirational woman! I urge you to click the link and discover more.
The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
When I first started to explore my submission with Sir I had very fixed ideas of how that should look. I believed I fitted with the stereotyped submissive we so often see portrayed in the arts.
It has been almost six years since that time.
I’ve taken so many twists and turns in this kinky world that I sometimes get a little confused. I don’t fit what I initially believed a submissive would look like, those stereotypes are long since outgrown.
I have a strength of character and directness often mistaken for a Dominant streak.
(With a capital D!) And I have, over the years, picked up certain skills. So to the outside world, I may look more D than s. However, when I’m under His care submission engulfs me. It is here that I find calm and an inner peace that quiets my mind and energises my soul. So while I may have dominant traits I am very much his submissive.
With a little flexibility I am painting a richer picture with my life. This is working much better for me than if I were to fit into the incomplete mould.

Have you enjoyed Sinfully Stereotyped? It’s part of my Sinful Sunday archives as well as being shared for LiFE. You might also enjoy this post, which explores more of my self discovery: No need for slut shaming.
From the story of how the barefoot sub became the woman she is today, to toy reviews, with a hefty dose of contemplation, a sprinkling of erotica and a LOT of nudity in between, you can be sure to find something to tickle your fancy at A Leap Of Faith.
Wow!! Fab! That set is incredible on you x
Thank you LSB. It’s only been 2 years since my first set and I seem to be gathering quite the collection.
That image is stunning. Love the angle, the lingerie and the way you are holding the dildo 😉
~ Marie
Thank you Marie, I have been trying to improve my photography recently so I’m glad it is paying off 😉 N x
Oh YES … always fun to be “flexible” (in everything actually !!!) … and I do like the look of your Strap-On !!!
Xxx – K
I agree with you in feeling that I am not what I set out assuming I would be. I suppose that is part of the journey though and you seem happy with the way that things are working for you and content to own that, which I think is the main thing 😊
I am happy in the knowledge that I am 100% me. I am content with that 😌
This is an absolutely cracking shot. You look so powerful and also graceful too. Just wow
I too am finding out new things about myself and that I definitely have a D side too
Graceful? Thank you Molly 😊
The joy of kink, for me, is that it has allowed me to be 100% myself. Sometimes things are scary, but more often than not they are exciting!
I’m the same as you, when people see me they don’t see someone submissive either. Likewise they don’t see my partner as dominant. Our dynamic is that, ours and it’s not for anyone else to make assumptions about.
Thank you Bee. This is exactly what i needed to read. I know that I do me perfectly well, but sometimes get a bit weighed down with the thoughts of others. Only in relation to which side of the slash I’m on though, oddly.
I loved meeting you both at eroticon last year, your dynamic is perfectly you.
Such powerful words to go along with a picture that definitely challenges those stereotypes. Fabulous.
Thank you Persephone.
Now if you sang, we could say “music from the big pink!” Great shot and happy to hear you are comfortable being you! I often think we are too hung up with labels and with what others are thinking. Just do you and enjoy life.
Holy moly this is gorge’! Thanks for linking up!
You do look so strong and dominant in this picture, though I think this could easily be seen as a confident submissive too. It’s all about context isn’t it? Nonetheless, love this pose and the confidence you seem to be showing here
One of my closest friends describes me as alpha sub: A mentor and the best bad influence. I like that.