With the conclusion of my bukkake party task it would have ben easy for the kinky energy to ebb away. It had been a big task after all. Add to that life was hectic for me, and Sir was called away for work. As a result we both needed a little down time from the intensity of tasks.
If my child free time falls in line with an event, specifically rope ones, I make every effort to attend. There was still a few weeks to go until the house party, and with my brain still buzzing around, on whether I should go or not, I could really do without too much time to contemplate things.
My next childfree weekend matched with Angel‘s next peer rope session.
She was gently taking the members through to suspension, and this time would be the first time she would be bringing a frame. The option would be to fly briefly, to test out the chest harness we’d be learning. At this point I had flown a few times, but always under my own efforts, in privacy. Probably unsafe, and definitely more uncomfortable than needed.
I did not want to miss out!
If I drove really quickly I could have dinner with mum and the boys and still make the start. On this occasion I would be attending alone, not that this had ever been an issue for me. Since joining the scene I had frequently turned up at events alone. And as a rope slut I was flexible on whether I would be rigger or bunny. Generally it’s easier to find a bunny at an event, but if all else failed I would be able to throw rope at myself!
The potential for suspension meant that the room was more packed than usual.
Many of the faces were familiar, but some less so. There was another solo rope lover there, I’d met her at an under 35s munch the year before, subsequently we’d connected on fetlife. It was with pleasure that we paired up for the evening. We’d both learn the tie, and, if our harnesses were structurally sound, then we would both put ourselves in the safe hands of Angel and go up-up-up!!!
It’s rare for me to get to tie and be tied with the same person in the same session.
Especially when working on a new tie. It was such a treat to be able to learn in this way with her. We had a proper giggle trying to follow the instructions. Each having to secure an end while working on the next step in the process. Both working around the anatomical differences of our bunnies. She, with her nipped in waist and stunning curves, me with my shrinking tummy and relatively flat chest. Rope is an amazing medium, size and shape doesn’t matter, but it was fascinating to observe the different ways we each had to secure the same suspension worthy chest harness.
Once the demonstration was complete we both passed the Angel test
Together we joined the orderly queue of attendees who wanted to trial it to its full. More than a few of us had airborne aspirations, but in the meantime everyone else enjoyed free tie time. She went up first, I was relieved to see the creases of joy spread across her face as first one leg, then the other was hoisted up into the air.
Before I knew it, it was my turn.
With the harness attached to an upline Angel swiftly, yet carefully, tied in my right leg, raising it as high as I could stretch before adding another to my left thigh. (The picture shows this point in proceedings) This was then raised to join the first leg. Goodness me, I can still remember the discomfort. It wasn’t painful, like my attempts at self suspension, it was the blissful deep ache of a body being hung from a little rope.
Before long it was time to come down.
Not only was there a queue, I wasn’t particularly strong at that point. My core was unable to sustain the effort for more than a few minutes. But it was still longer than I’d been able to achieve alone. What joy though; absolutely pure and unadulterated rope pleasure coursed through me.
I now knew that I could do it!
As I mentioned earlier, I’d dangled myself from up high while exploring rope at home. But feeling where the lines went, how she tied them in, and watching as she worked on others. It was great to get some understanding of why I’d been causing so much (unpleasant) pain! It wasn’t my size, it was my skills. My friends within the rope community had been right all along.
Rope is for everybody to enjoy in the way that works for them! With the right ropework, and correct angles I would indeed fly. Not would, I had!! While enjoying a little down time, I’d also enjoyed a little up time!
(I’m sure there’s another post in here on growing through resting. But you’ll need to bare with me. What is happening next? Is it the party? Will I go? Or have I got something else to tell you first?
A Little Down Time Required is my most recent post for the Mmm Mondays Meme. You might enjoy this post in the same category, also featuring a chest harness and full suspension: Joyful Jizuri.
You can also continue with my story here: No Coming Back From Disrespect.
From the story of how the barefoot sub became the woman she is today, to toy reviews, with a hefty dose of contemplation, a sprinkling of erotica and a LOT of nudity in between, you can be sure to find something to tickle your fancy at A Leap Of Faith.
This is such an inspiring read 🙂 My Dom wants me to fly too one day and I’m really nervous about it. Reading your post, it might still be possible even for me :p
Oh Liz, if only you could see, it really is possible for EVERY body! Have faith in that. But also, know that floor work and partial suspensions are not any less wonderful if you choose not to fly!
If your Dom doesn’t have experience of suspension may I recommend finding a class where you can learn together? Safety first, always!
This reminded me of that one time I ‘flew’. It was an amazing experience. Love reading this!
~ Marie xox
I’ve always wanted to try suspension, but we simply don’t have the space for it. Perhaps when visits and events can happen again. I do really love rope and how it is for every BODY and miss actively engaging in it. Being bound is such a peaceful experience, I can only imagine the “high” of flying 🙂
It is a special kind of discomfort, but it is certainly magic. I am so looking forward to getting back to events. There have been a few locally but when they’ve matched with my child free nights I’ve been wanting time for me on my own. Perhaps next month? (Unless the fuel issues continue and I can’t!) N x
Reading this post, it seems that everything is so simple. But this is seeming simplicity.
I’m a big fan of keeping things simple, I think that all too often we get swept up in making things really difficult. It doesn’t need to be!