Bukkake Party Babes

CC and I all ready for the bukkake party. Picture of our chests as we sit next to each other before we got started. my breasts with For sir writing on them, hers with HSM, FSM, EB and me written on there.

Do you remember me sharing the big task I was set by Sir? To safely arrange a bukkake for myself and another woman? Which was followed up with planning, and then a worrisome yet exciting distraction? Well, after a massive amount of procrastination I’m ready to write about the bukkake party. A task for me, and a birthday gift for CC.

Hopefully you’ll know by now, the emphasis Sir puts on ALL of my tasks is two fold.

My safety, and my enjoyment.

But that I like to push myself to have the very best experience I can. And in this case, that involved CC having an amazing time too. We had both taken to fabswingers, and added an event. She would forward potential men to me, and between us we sorted through a long list of potential (verified and interested) men. Knowing full well how unreliable the single men on fab can be it was decided that we would confirm 24 men. There would be plenty of space (and woman) for them to ejaculate over, if they all came, but that would be unlikely so we had enough give to still have a good number turn up. For any cancellations, there was a back up list too.

Notebooks and lists are my friends. Each of these men- both the main list and the back ups- had their own page. (They have all long since been shredded though.) I had their proper names and made sure they were real on Facebook. Verifications on fab had been checked out, to make sure they would be safe and respectful additions. Each and every one of them had received a phone call before I put them on the final list! And when we confirmed details with them it was done via email.

Perhaps this was overkill, but… safety first!

CC made the trip to my house, and then, with our kit all packed up in my car we headed up the motorway to the boudoir. My foot felt heavy, and we arrived in record time, stopping for a coffee at a local restaurant before heading over to meet the owner on time.

We worked to set the space up just how we wanted it. Spreading out a waterproof sheet for us to play on. As happy as he was to host us, I didn’t think he’d want spunk stains trodden into the carpet! It’s only polite really!

The tripod was set up on one side, and he had the bright idea that his CCTV cameras would provide a great view too. (One condition of using the space was that these would be left on and, well, we may as well use them!) I particularly liked the idea of having a view of proceedings that felt voyeuristic, grainy and pure filth! All of the men had agreed to filming, so it was not an issue to use the security footage in this way. As we plugged in the extension cables for the toys- I rarely go anywhere without my favourite toy– and threw down some cushions, the first of the men started to arrive, right on time. Our host had taken on tea making responsibilities so escorted the men to an ante-room.

CC and I prepared ourselves for our adventure.

My breasts emblazoned with “For Sir”, hers with “HSM”, “FSM”, “EB” and “Me”. Both paying homage to the important people in our worlds. A quick check on my phone showed that I had two cancellations. Last minute, but at least they were polite enough to contact me. I had one message asking if there was space so I agreed that this back up chap could attend. As the clock passed our planned start time there were just four of our confirmed men waiting to go. We could hear them laughing with each other, the kind of humour that comes with nervous excitement. CC and I popped our head round the corner and invited them through.

If men couldn’t turn up on time then they would have to miss out!

She and I were soon wrapped up in each other. Hands, mouths, toys… As our play titillated the bystanders, their cocks grew ever harder. At this point the need for waterproof sheeting became fully clear! By the time I was coated in her desires we were beyond ready to feast on these cocks. I would like to say that we pleasured them, but it was for our satisfaction rather than theirs. And besides… This was a task all about teaching me that I was a desirable, sexually attractive woman that men would, and indeed should, worship. They were there for my growth, and by the time six loads had been fired off and I was covered in the arousal of five people, I think my lesson was well and truly learnt!

As the seven of us (me, CC, the four men and the host) sat chatting, winding down in the immediate aftermath, the bell rang for the main door. It was one of the confirmed men, and he was excited to join the action. However, he was pretty disappointed to discover that, by turning up five minutes before our bukkake party was due to end, he had missed out!

A tardy yet disgruntled man, he left as soon as he’d arrived.

The men tidied themselves up while CC got herself clean. I opted to wear my crusty badges of honour home. Yes, I’m a cum-slut, really revelling in the sensations that my face, throat and breasts were experiencing. As we were all packed and saying goodbye there was another ring of the bell. Two hours after being told to get there quickly, the local man (who lived ten minutes away) turned up. He smelt strongly of weed, and I thought he might have cried when I waved a hand in the direction of my guests. All of whom were fully dressed and waiting to leave. “But it took me ages to get here, can’t I just…?”

Ummmm, nope.

Even if I had wanted to take my clothes off so he could cum all over me, I was hungry. And so was CC. And all of us had long drives to get home. Plus, the day was about CC and I, not men who can’t arrive in a timely fashion!

Speaking of being hungry, CC and I decided to stop off for a carvery on the way home. Ordering at the bar we sat down in a far corner, out of the way of curious ears, where we could decompress and compare notes. It wasn’t until the bar man had brought our drinks that CC noticed my spunky skin was peeling. Sunburn was decided upon as a reason for this, though late March in the UK is not known for its heatwaves!

There is something about meets like this one.

Whether they are a bukkake party, a gang bang or something smaller like deep throat practise.

Openness and honesty around the reason for the meet (generally a task) and my expectations levels the playing field. Ego gets weeded out pretty early, and gentle connection can develop. They know what Sir and I want, if they want to join in then great! If not they don’t have to be part of it. Of the four men who turned up on time and fully loaded, I remain in (infrequent) contact with them to this day. Even after three and a half years. Just as friendly acquaintances, nothing more. And obviously CC and I are still firm friends, she is part of my inner circle.

Fab can be a great place for meeting folks.

Although, I must admit, a lot of the time there are let downs, flakey potential lovers, keyboard warriors. I’m sure there will be a long post on the highs an lows of swinging sites down the line! One feature that I do appreciate is the ability to report other users. One of the options is for when you’ve confirmed a meet and the other party is a no-show. Once my positive verifications were left (and received) I went through my list of no-shows and reported them as such. I never know what good this does, but it felt like a useful exercise at the time.

Needless to say, Sir was very pleased with my efforts.

The Bukkake party had gone off with a bang, I’d learnt some important lessons and had been able to enjoy the results well past the freshening up of my skin. Sadly my video memories did not include the CCTV footage. One of my repeat performers was stood in exactly the wrong position! However, my video camera worked perfectly! Would I enjoy this scenario again? Hmmm…. Only time will tell, all I can do is suggest you keep returning to my posts to find out.



Bukkake Party Babes isn’t the only time that CC and I have had our wicked way with men. Hogtie and Dine is one memory that stands out for me.

Or you can continue on with my story here: A Little Down Time Required.


    1. I was reading your bucket list earlier. We have a lot of similar wish list fantasies and experiences. I look forward to reading your post when your fantasy bukkake comes to life.

  1. What a fabulous memory and an amazing way to celebrate that birthday. So glad I said Yes .
    And lucky we put that waterproof sheet down 🤗😇 thank you x

  2. “This was a task all about teaching me that I was a desirable, sexually attractive woman that men would, and indeed should, worship.”

    What a great lesson taught in such an incredible way. Your Sir obviously knows his role well 🙂

    I loved this post. Can’t wait to find out if there will be a repeat 🙂

    1. He knows his submissive too, and she’s a very lucky lady to be owned by him.

      There is an ever growing list of adventures for me to share, perhaps somewhere in there will be a repeat… 😇

  3. This, of course, was a serious task that required serious preparation. But I am surprised by the number of men who did not arrive at the event or arrived at the wrong time. It seemed to me that men should be interested in such a non-trivial event.

    1. It seems to be quite a common thing, which is a shame, for all involved with such adventures. I know there are a lot of keyboard warriors but giving out personal details and then not coming seems very strange to me.

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