As we have passed the half way point in May it is time for my final reflection on Mrs Fever’s A-Z April questions. As it turns out the picture I took ties in with the Monochromerotic prompt this week, and so I’m tying the two together. And as there is a glimpse into my dynamic with Sir, I think there may well be enough wickedness to link up to Wicked Wednesday!
What do you think about volcanoes?
I read Mrs Fever’s post on Volcanoes with great interest. they have long fascinated me, before I even made a model for science class at school, and simulated the eruption with (I want to say) baking soda and lemon juice. During lockdown I encouraged my smallest to build one with me and we tried many different suggestions for the flow. The most disappointing being mentoes and coca cola. Harrumph! Though nothing could quite compare to the lava that escapes them when they blow. It may not surprise you to learn that I’d love to climb a mountain, learn about them from up close. They are part of what makes up this big wide world I am keen to know everything about. But volcanoes, more than mountains capture my interest.
Mount St Helens erupted before I was born, though I thought I remembered it- google set me straight. I recall news stories in 2007 (I was heavily pregnant at the time) of her billowing out clouds of noxious ash, flights being cancelled, lives being put on hold “just in case” she blew again. I have to admit, though I’d love to be a tourist with the opportunity to enjoy the terrain and different ecosystem, I’m quite happy living in my corner of the world, where the risks- like gales and flooding- are much safer than poisonous air and scorching, molten rock. Currently I’m feeling a little like a volcano- fierce and ready to erupt- but that is a reflection for another day!
What are you wearing?
(Check out my reflection…)
I love this question. Do you know, it comes up quite a lot. Well, on swinging sites it does, anyway. And my response is generally the same. Which always seems to disappoint. No idea why!
So, what am I wearing?
Today, I’m wearing a tee shirt which always makes me smile. But more importantly I’m wearing a skirt. This may be a disappointment to random men on the internet, but for me it is pure magic. A request form Sir that keeps me grounded and focused on him. Do check out the post Skirts and the Art of Dominance to see how and why they are such an important part of my wardrobe.
Is your hair xanthous?
My hair is currently blonde, which I guess means it is xanthous- meaning to be yellowish, brown or red. I was born with brown hair, and never had blonde in my toddler years as children often seem to. Over the years I have been every colour except black and grey, and often multiple hues at the same time. At 15 I was asked “what did mother say about your [magenta] hair?” The lady asking seemed shocked when I smiled sweetly and said that mother did it and, as such, was pretty pleased with the results.
When left to its own devices, my hair is brown, but it changes with the seasons. Golden highlights in the summer, red flashes in the autumn, a rich, chocolatey brown over the winter, and mousey in the spring. When I met Sir is was cropped short and it had an off the shelf red colour. I was due a hair cut and asked Sir what he would like to see, to which he answered long and blonde please. Which is how I came to explore whether or not blondes really do have more fun.
As an aside, I love the way that, though I am not a fan of pampering, the process of having my roots grounds me in my submission, relaxing me and adding to the feeling of being owned. This is particularly helpful when I’m having a wobble and he’s working away. (Much like my skirt, and any number of other things that make me think of him throughout the day.)
What do you love about Yule/Christmas?
Have you seen my reflection on Christmas, and my uneasy relationship with it? Check out Why I Struggle With Christmas if you’d like to understand more. I love that my children love it though, and have taken huge steps to ensure that we can all enjoy the festivities in a way unique to us. Our new tradition sees us breaking the rules and enjoying a Christmas lunch of hotdogs or bacon sandwiches, cooked on a camping stove, somewhere under the big sky. (Or sheltering under a big rock if the sky decides to unload all over us.)
On reflection, it definitely seems that I love Christmas, without the pressures and trappings of the traditional.
Last year was the first Christmas I’ve had as a parent where the boys weren’t home. The big day fell on his weekend, and lots of people were very concerned that I wouldn’t cope. It’s nice to be worried about, but it was unnecessary on this occasion. Dates for celebrating have always been flexible for me, especially following my dad’s passing, and my brother working away for long stretches. We would have our Christmas dinner when he’d finished the season in January. So it may seem odd to think that me and my boys enjoyed our Christmas on New Years Eve last year, and it was blooming marvellous!
Zoology: Do you have a favourite animal?
I find it difficult to answer which is my favourite. I wish I could say dogs, but badly trained owners really let them down. Being surrounded by a number of homes with pretty aggressive creatures patrolling their perimeter and seeing the distress caused to my children (and others). As I grow up I enjoy the company of cats more. I do have a big allergic response to them though so need to be quite careful with how much attention I give them. While I do love visiting zoos and wildlife parks I cant say I find the environment inspiring enough to make me choose any of the captives for favourites. I have no doubt that seeing them in their natural environment would leave me with a much better impression, but like all things, I like to understand something in person.
Which brings me on to what is currently my favourite animal. Growing up in a farming community it was always the calves that captured my heart at the weekly market. I spent many hours throughout my childhood allowing the young animals to suckle on my fingers, rubbing their foreheads, chattering away to them.
A few years ago when I saw cows being kept in a barn in the summer.
This made me so cross! Crosser still when I discovered these were an organic dairy herd, being fed on pellets and grain bought in. Being protected from the non-organic crops and grasses on neighbouring farms. I was so, so sad, to see these beautiful animals stuck inside eating processed food. Last summer I took my boys camping on a pop up campsite on an amazing farm. Meeting the family and their animals (also part of the family) I was transported back to my childhood. It made me so happy to see them living as I had grown used to in my formative years. Outside, free, healthy and loved. So yes, on reflection this is definitely (currently) my favourite animal.
Thank you for sticking with me through April (and May) with my A-Z April challenge. And the biggest of thanks to Mrs Fever, for asking the questions on her own blog. You can find her answers to the questions I’ve answered starting here- in her post Authors.
Final Reflection For A-Z April 2022 is a little late but I hope the last post for my alphabetical challenge was worth the wait.
You might also enjoy this former monochromerotic post: Kneeling In Wait.
From the story of how the barefoot sub became the woman she is today, to toy reviews, with a hefty dose of contemplation, a sprinkling of erotica and a LOT of nudity in between, you can be sure to find something to tickle your fancy at A Leap Of Faith.
I’ve learned something new about you — I did not know that you were a farm girl in your youth! My husband sometimes calls me Farm Girl, in deference to my muscly shoulders and arms. I come from Scandanavian farm stock and definitely have gay-baking muscles. 🙂
I think finding our own ways to do things is an important part of developing identity, and that includes how we “do” holidays.,so I love that you have found a unique tradition for Christmas to make your own.
Thanks for joining in with my Q&A. I’ve enjoyed reading your posts!
So many things to unpack here but first off….
DAMN! That is a hot picture. Simple l, powerful, you own it. Sir May own you by submission but that pic screams power and he is a lucky man to have your submission.
Your responses are wonderful insights and appreciated. It is good to see how others think. Your links led me onto lovely bunny holes of distraction. Now I have to get back to what they pay me to do.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and writings.
Thank you so much for reading, and commenting. I am definitely not getting all emotional over your first paragraph. Nope, not at all! (OK, maybe a little bit) I’m a lucky lady to have a man I can trust to take the reins- strong, independent and bloody minded women can be hard work. 😉
I hope you managed to get back to the paid work without too much distraction.
First of all, I love your image 🙂
I loved reading about your hair, as I always thought you were a natural blonde, and now I am trying to picture you with brown, but also with magenta hair! As for calves – they are so sweet. I’ve only had the privilege to get up close and personal with them once in my life and loved it!
~ Marie xox
The blonde hair certainly doesn’t look out of place, does it? No idea how Sir knew it would look nice, or if it was just so different to my norm that he chose it. But I do love it, and what it means to me.
I took my boys camping last summer, on a beef farm. The calves we met made me so happy. And seeing the boys reaction was something else N xx