When I found the following quote I initially intended it as a tongue in cheek reference to how full my brain is following the conference. However, in an effort to narrow eroticon down to the top ten things learnt, it’s become clear that I wasn’t far off. No matter, I shall break it down as best I can.
From one thing, know ten thousand things.
1 – Ok, so Eroticon is my one thing, and my brain has been filled with ten thousand other things.
The following are in no particular order, and are definitely not a conclusive list.
2 – The first session I attended on the saturday was with KinkCraft.
It was important for me to find a space to relax a little and I love making things, so where better. Last year I made a flogger from speaker cable. The sensation it produces is delicious, but the handle is pretty is pretty awful. I am so excited to now know how to work with paracord to make a nice handle. As luck would have it I even have matching colours in my kinky-crafting storage box.
3 – I learnt that objectification works both ways.
Sunday morning saw me with a huge dilemma. Each of the three rooms had a talk that I wanted to go to, but I had to choose one. After much deliberation I decided on Fetish.com and their talk “Launch your Pocket Rocket! Time to monetize your content” This was solely based on my need to wake up gently, and the men hosting this talk certainly offered that. However, not only was there sleepy-head cerebral porn on offer, there was also a lot of new and exciting content for me. I came away feeling that I may be able to make my little corner of the world at least pay for itself, plus an occasional caffeine hit.
Sometimes it is possible to make the wrong choice of talk though, and one of my chosen presentations I found quite difficult to relate to. Come Curious are fun, beautiful and sassy ladies with an unmistakable brand. They are certainly high-profile, and represent some great ideas. I hope they pave the way for future generations of the sex-positive community. However, with the way society is at the moment, being out and proud isn’t always an option. I’m glad that I stayed for this talk though. Some distressing and inspiring stories from my fellow delegates brought us all closer together. I think we all learnt something during “Public ejaculation: When you put your face on your sex work.”
4 – I met Zak Jane Keir on the book stand at BBB last last November.
I had no idea who she was at the time, but after I purchased the Dice Writing book we got talking about Eroticon, and she told me she would be doing a workshop on dice writing there. I knew then that I would be attending, even if it meant missing something else I might find useful. (It did, but it was totally worth it!) I had tried to write using the book since buying it, but put it away again, knowing full well that I would find it easier to immerse myself following in-person tuition. I wasn’t wrong! Not only did I learn so much from her, other delegates (braver than me) read snippets of their work to the group and showed me how serious and/or nonsensical I could be. I can’t wait to start putting things into practise.
5 – “Procrastination is a habit of fear.”
One of the most valuable sessions for me was Kayla Lords’ How to reach your goals when you have no time to work on them. I have had some intensive training around goal setting, and it is something I consider a strength. I am also pretty good at getting the work done, when I figure out that I don’t need to wash the garden gate or defrost the freezer…
It was amazing to see someone so passionately discussing their goals and the minute changes that they had to make to their day in order to start winning big. But the sentence that stood out is the quote she used about procrastination. It has been helpful in my recent assignment, to a point, and I have shared it with a wonderful friend who has been doing a cracking job painting her woodwork. Thank you Kayla for sharing your experiences and inspiring me. (Though I am putting off my time audit. I wonder if I’m scared of what I will find?!)
6 – Something that follows on quite nicely from here is Molly and Michael.
They took on the subject of Looking at your blog with a critical eye. I know there’s lots of work to do to bring my corner of the world up to speed. It got battered in June when WordPress archived me. Then my blog took a back seat while I licked wounds. Since getting my head into gear again I realised the amount I need to do. However, I didn’t have the faintest idea where to start. This session was immediately helpful. Along with Kayla’s 30 minute rule, and a series of bullet point lists maybe I’ll be able to achieve everything in time for this years “top 100” lists, and give myself a fighting chance of being included. Making one small change with each post (ALT description on pictures is my choice) sets me up with a winning mindset…
7 – Once I’ve set aside 30 minutes, and critically appraised/fixed my blog I need to have something else ready to go.
Thank you Girl on the net for your amazing talk on building traffic. She makse it look so easy! And using her basic steps it really is. But I have to remember that GOTN has been working hard at this for a lot of years… patience is the name of her game. Plus #journorequest (I’m not sure I’m ready for it this month, but it doesn’t stop me browsing)
8 – Dessert and Readings on sunday afternoon was a steamy affair.
Not only did I get to it peacefully and enjoy some smut. I was also able to put voices to people whose writing I have enjoyed for the past year. Victoria Blisse, who I later met on the book stall, and Bibulous One both had me squirming in my seat. Having been unsure whether I would enjoy being read to, I have realised I am a complete convert. Now I want smutty bedtime stories about pain and pleasure… No need to be in my own head.
9 – The trade stalls were great to chat with.
During moments when I needed to walk and chatter rather than sit and listen. I wanted to say a special thank you to someone who has cleared up a long standing wondering of mine. Claire from ElectraStim made my day! Not just when she let me play with her demo kit. (Estim has been a long term favourite but somewhat absent friend.) She also patiently discussed an odd rope query I had re. bondage and large lobe holes. She’ll likely never know how chuffed I was to be able to have this chat with someone. And to be able to go away with the confidence that – should I find a playmate with twin lobe hoops – I can probably make up some mischievous predicament for them. If I can involve an Electra Stim Axis then all the better.
10 – Boobday is a meme I have been taking part in for some time now.
I’ve always had a tempestuous relationship with my breasts, but through (excessive?) sharing I’ve come to appreciate that mine can be just as sexy as others. I was so excited to see tweets flying around about a group picture. Imagine my delight when I learnt about a group shot. There was time to spare before dashing for my train home. My final memory of Eroticon, and the last of my ten things, was captured by the wonderful Missy of Focused and Filthy. Boobs are much more fun with friends!

Eroticon 2019: My ten things was first published on A Leap of Faith.
From the story of how the barefoot sub became the woman she is today, to toy reviews, with a hefty dose of contemplation, a sprinkling of erotica and a LOT of nudity in between, you can be sure to find something to tickle your fancy at A Leap Of Faith.
My woodwork does look awesome and I’ve now broken down the task s I was avoiding doing and I feel like I have broken the elephant into bite-size non scary pieces.
Is it wrong that I zoomed in on the boob picture and totally recognized your boobs ? 😉 xx
Not at all. You’ve been up close and personal with them ?
Glad you’ve been getting productive xx