1. Do you like where you live or do you wish you could move?
I love where I live! There are things about the property that I am working on, but all homes have compromises. It is the area that I am in love with. When I find myself thinking how lucky I am to live where I do I need to remind myself that I chose to move here. I made this decision and am so very, very pleased I had the courage to find my happy.
2. No matter what life throws at me, I believe that I can deal with it. Agree or Disagree?
I have to agree with this one. Evidence tells me that I have the ability to deal with whatever rubbish comes my way. I don’t want this to be tested any more though. I’m ready for a gentle phase.
3. A dear friend is stuck in an unhappy relationship. What advice would you give to the friend to cope–how can they make lemonade out of lemons?
If they are confiding that they are “stuck in an unhappy relationship” then they clearly want my support to get out of it. It is a situation I have been in before, recently one of my favourites called to empty her head and talk things over. I don’t advise though, I share my experiences with love, warmth and humour. And then afterwards, when people have left their sex toys in an ex’s house, I can head over to help them replenish their toy box.
4. Nothing of value can be learned from failure. True or False?
Absolutely false! The definition of failure is “lack of success.” Even if you fail once you can choose to learn from how you failed, get up and try again. And if you give up…? Well, someone else will learn from your failures and find success where you didn’t.
5. Even if you are sure about your ultimate choice, do you still ask others for advice before making an important or risky decision?
I’m sure it sounds like I’m asking for advice but when I run important decisions by my friends it is more to hear my thoughts out loud. I am skilled at self counselling, and when I hit a stumbling block I have some very emotionally intelligent friends who ask the questions to get me over the hump. By the time I get to the point of those conversations I have usually decided the outcome, I just need to organise my thoughts.
Bonus: What is the sweetest or most rewarding moment in your life?
There are many little moments that I like to try to recall when times are dark. They usually centre around my boys. Now my youngest is writing he leaves me little notes lying around. When my eldest replies with “same” when I tell him I love him. When I get tight squeezes from little (and not so little any more) arms. But the sweetest moments are when I see them playing together, reaping the benefits of the life I’ve built for them. Not just for them, for me too. Those friendships I have built, that I gain strength from. Since finding my happy place my little family has grown immeasurably, with joy, love and silliness.
Click the links below to see what everyone else is up to for TMI Tuesday and February Photofest:
From the story of how the barefoot sub became the woman she is today, to toy reviews, with a hefty dose of contemplation, a sprinkling of erotica and a LOT of nudity in between, you can be sure to find something to tickle your fancy at A Leap Of Faith.
Just saw the above pics. How erotic !! We can imagine you being tied and left in the wilderness like that until some random stranger comes along pleasures himself in and over you several times. So vulnerable.
Now that sounds like a thrilling plan!
I think at one time or another we all have thoughts of being used and abused sexually with all control in someone else’s hands.
That photo looks like someone is in a happy place.
“,,,afterwards, when people have left their sex toys in an ex’s house, I can head over to help them replenish their toy box.” 😀 What a dear friend
5. Me too.
I most definitely was, naked rope in the sunshine is just bliss.