Expensive Kit And Being Patient.

my most expensive piece of kit is my e-stim systems 2B shown here in black and white, with a colour pop of the blue on the box
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The kit we buy to furnish our kinks can range from a 60p wooden spoon from Tesco, to an all-singing-all-dancing bespoke rubber milking suit with all the extras. (OK, I’m sure there is even more expensive kit than this, but Serious Kit make some drooooooool worthy kit!)

While I have got my very own multi-purpose wooden spoon collection I’ll need to exercise a little patience when it comes to the top tier toys I’d like to own. It’s always helpful to be mindful of one’s budgetary constraints.

Fortunately, delayed gratification is something of a kink of mine.

And when I have a focus, I find it surprisingly easy to access that state of mind. Take, for example, my latest (and most expensive ever) kink purchase. The E-Stim systems 2B. It arrived last week, an early birthday present to myself. Thanks in a ma-hoo-ssive way to Oz and his monthly competition over on E-Lust.

There will be three prizes of £50 each for the first three people to publish a unique re-post of Elust.

To be eligible for one of the prizes, your re-post will need to include at least a few paragraphs of writing in your own words in the form of a sentence of your own next to each link and/or category, and/or your own introduction describing the contents of the latest Elust.

It can be in any currency eg if you’re in USA, £50 GBP is about $68 USD.

The winners can choose any voucher from a reputable site that has gift vouchers I can buy and send by email.

Elust Rules

I’ve been fortunate enough to win a number of these vouchers and am so, so grateful. With a tight budget I could never have afforded this much longed for box. So saving my vouchers has meant a wonderful treat. And what a time to reach my target, just before my birthday! With the October edition of E-Lust.

Though I’ve been on the receiving end of electrical stimulation before I’ve never been in control of a beautiful box like this, or the accompanying electrodes. One of the electrodes we tried was very mild (even at full power) and one was unpleasant, from a strength of 13. While I’m looking forward to the torture option associated with Electro play, more experimentation was in order to learn the pleasurable basics.I’ll keep you updated on how this

Scroll forward a couple of days…

(To today, in fact.) Having written most of this post out in fluent gobble-de-gook I popped out to see Alice for coffee and a catch up. When I arrived home, I wasn’t quite ready to sit down to work. I wasn’t horny either, but figured it had been a while, and maybe my writers block might be shifted by an orgasm or two.

The 2B box was next to my Doxy, so I decided to try it again. In no small part because I wanted to take a picture of the box for this post… But also, it’s an expensive piece of kit and I’m looking forward to learning how to get the best from it. This time I was in the comfort of my own bed, with just my wand for company.

Forty minutes later, having continued after losing count at eight orgasms, I emerged.

Now the words are definitely flowing easier. And my cheeks are glowing a rosy red.

I’ll keep you up to date with my future adventures with this small yet mighty piece of equipment. Of which I’m sure there will be many!

One comment

  1. I have limited experience with e-stim thingamajigs but can say I’m curious. Congrats on Elust winnings! That’s worth celebrating for sure!
    And a happy Birthday too!

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