Today I have a cheeky smile all of my own. Frisky Friday has inspired me to be less explicit, and more playful. Monochromerotic has made me look at picture editing. And Lingerie is for Everybody has encouraged me to embrace my smalls with gusto. So it seemed only right to bring them all together in one post. A post celebrating the joys of creases under the buttocks.
“The essence of life is the smile of round female bottoms under the shadow of cosmic boredom”
~Guy de Maupassant~
For me personally that smiling crease is just wonderful.
Not my crease in particular, but when I have free rein to explore a lovers body I love to trace my tongue along THAT crease and enjoy the reaction it elicits.
Trailing a finger, or the tip of a cane. Dripping wax or running a pinwheel along it.
Sensation rather than pain, bringing a bloom of goosebumps and a cheeky smile to their sighs of pleasure.
Find out what everyone else is up to at Lingerie is For Everyone, Monochromerotic and Frisky Friday.
If you enjoyed A Cheeky Smile you can find more Lingerie posts here.
If you would like to see me in some new smalls, please check out my Wishlist at KnickerFairy. I’ll review any gift I’m sent.
From the story of how the barefoot sub became the woman she is today, to toy reviews, with a hefty dose of contemplation, a sprinkling of erotica and a LOT of nudity in between, you can be sure to find something to tickle your fancy at A Leap Of Faith.
Wow I certainly have goosebumps from reading this, very sexy smile! 😉
Hehe, I’m glad you like it. The monochrome prompt makes me see my pictures differently.
When I saw the little thumbnail photo, I thought you had on a pair of Cowboys chaps, with your bare ass expose. Then, when I saw the photo I realized you were wearing panties, the very sexy look.
Ooh, cowboy chaps… thats worth investigating further 😉
Love hearing that sigh that comes the pleasure of being Teased, almost as much as seeing a cute bottom picture.
Nearly, but not quite 😉
I certainly love this smile 😉
~ Marie
This edit works really well for your image and your smile really pops. I loved the fun in your post too. Definitely a smile worth having. Missy x
Delicious panty shot, your rear is very enticing. I love sheer knicks.
Sheer is quite new to me (as is lingerie in general really) and I am with you. Sheer for the rear!
who wouldn’t smile looking at this?!
Thank you Violet