People Rarely Succeed Unless They have Fun

People Rarely Succeed Unless They Have Fun header image shows a newtons cradle model of a metal stick figure with a weights bar.
Photo by Skylar Kang

While I struggled to oust P from my life I made the most of every opportunity to succeed in the fun and mischief that Sir sent my way. I may have mentioned my tasks once or twice already but they are such an important part of our dynamic… So I will continue…

There were many tasks which had an obvious reason.

My liaison with M  was a way for sir to see whether I was ready to push myself away from the marital bonds. Not necessarily all of the way (as I did) but even just a little bit. If I couldn’t then it would have been pointless us continuing on our path. I wouldn’t have been happy with an online relationship and I doubt that Sir would have either. It wasn’t what he was looking for in his advert, and it wasn’t what I was looking for when I responded to it. The way he got my imagination flowing with tasks detailing my fantasies, and telling him all of the details of my past experiences. Not only was he getting to know me and the dark, dusty corners of my mind, he was gently building my trust and asserting his dominance through acceptance.

Sometimes the reason felt more for connection than development.

Our dynamic was developing but our respective vanilla lives kept in person contact to a minimum. He requested daily video diaries to keep up to date with my life. I also had the body writing which had the effect of making me feel him, warming and touching me. His request that I wear a skirt with bare legs… Well that was a slightly cooler reminder that he was in my mind. All of these were fun to do and a sure way for me to succeed.

I was never afraid of what he would ask of me.

He knew my fixed boundaries and I could express my concerns about things that he was tasking me with. But why would he set me challenges that would cause me harm? He wouldn’t! I didn’t even have to ask. He explained that he only owns things that he likes, and he looks after his stuff. As his property I was included in that, a realisation that warms me, even now.

The tasks were rarely easy, for whatever reason, but they all made sense.

Well, all except one which has been a source of smiles and mild confusion until Monday when I realised why…

When he first took me on I was to wear skirts and bare legs. Then he added in taking my knickers off every time I went to the loo, putting them in my mouth while I relieved myself. (I expressed my concern about my children seeing. My young children always seemed to want to talk when I sat on the toilet…. He excused me from doing this task when they would be at risk of seeing.) This became a routine for me, I’d often sit there smiling and wondering why I would be doing that. Why???

If that confused me, imagine what happened when he stepped things up a notch. 

When he had first asked what I wouldn’t do for him watersports was one fixed boundary. After I had watered my rose-bush this was downgraded to a soft limit, one that I would push for him. So now I had to wear a skirt with bare legs, and my knickers were to be worn internally. Every time I visited the loo I was to remove them and put them in my mouth.

It is very hard to remove a pair of knickers from your vagina without causing a flood when you really need a pee. Due to the nature of my work (and bladder) I was usually really needing to go. So I would be sat on the loo grinning at the ceiling, with a mouth full of my underwear which was covered in my arousal (because this all turned me on) and some pee. There were moments when I felt that warm glow of humiliation spread across my cheeks, eliciting more smiles, but mostly it was just cheeky giggles.

Id always assumed it was one of his kinks.

And I was grateful to be able to have fun and succeed at fulfilling his desires while also going about my business.

Never once did I question his motives beyond that. Why would I?

One of my current tasks is to run three times a week, if I’m medically fit. I’d planned my long run for Monday, but when it came to getting out I didn’t want to go. It was below freezing, I’ve a bit of a cold and 4.5 miles seemed a little overwhelming. It was soon decided that I would go. I didn’t want to get behind with my weeks running after all, and I certainly didn’t want to disappoint sir. I was still a bit grumpy at about 3 miles, and gave myself a talking to. The sun was shining, the ground was dry and spring was starting to peek out from behind the frost covered muddy banks.

I’ve always been grateful for my tasks, even when they have challenged me. I do them because I know it pleases him, seeing me complete things that he’s asked of me. Whether that’s something that is important for my health, like running, maintaining our connection with body writing, or letting him into my mind.

I love to work hard for Sir.

Knowing I’m pleasing him is the greatest pleasure for me. Doing something like panty stuffing for no other reason than because that is the way he chooses for me to make him happy makes me smile.

This is the latest chapter in the story behind the blog. If you’ve not read any before you can dip in and out of the posts or start at the beginning. The next post can be found here. Please do subscribe (in the sidebar) if you want to stay up-to-date.

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