One Fine Nipple

Nipple in the foreground of the shot, with the rest of my body slightly out of focus.

On closer inspection, my nipple looks entirely fine.

It doesn’t look like it feels. Sensitive to the lightest touch. Smarting at the mere hint of a change in temperature.

It certainly isn’t cowering beneath soft layers, as it likely should.

Does it look like it spent yesterday tormented with clamps, tenderised with a paddle and (mis)treated with truculent digits? At the mercy of fun and games created to celebrate some exciting news? (Yes, I’m aware that it takes a special kind of person to want to play these games in honour of special events taking place.)

No-no, my nipple looks perfectly fine.

In fact, it could be said my nipple looks better than fine. It looks happy, standing proud in a landscape of sensitive flesh. Endurance tested. Baseline registered, for possible future head games, but also for my torment-ability.

But… Given the state of them yesterday, I really can’t believe my nipple looks absolutely fine.

Come and see all of my past posts shared for Mmm Mondays Meme in my archives by following this link.

February Photo Fest 2024

Returning for another year, welcome to my fifth February PhotoFest effort. If you would like, follow the links to explore past years:

Boobday Button

Click the button above to see what everyone else is doing this week. Or check out my BoobDay archives to see more of my boobs!

BoobDay is a weekly meme in honour of chests and breasts of all shapes and sizes belonging to all types of folks.
This is a safe and inclusive space and everyone and anyone is welcome to participate in BoobDay. BoobDay is about celebration and support. ‘Boob’ is a term that is intended to be gender neutral and it includes the chests and breasts of all sorts of folks. BoobDay is not limited to cisgender women. Basically, if you want to celebrate the beauty of boobs and join in with like-minded, body-positive, people who are embracing their curves or lack thereof, this is the link-up for you!  

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