Proceed With Caution

Tying latex requires you to proceed with caution, and prepare fully. Like 1001011 and barefoot did last summer when he tied her in her latex catsuit.

Last summer 1001011 and I had fun with rope and latex. Both were known loves, but combining the two gave reason to proceed with caution. In situations like this, when trying new things, it’s important to take care. Just because we both love latex and have enjoyed tying together for some time, didn’t mean the combination was right for us to explore. So baby steps… I appreciate that this partial suspension doesn’t exactly look like baby steps but the amount of rope used is a lot. And even without the many wraps the nylon fibres are less likely to abrade my second skin.

This summer I find myself, once more, with cause to proceed with caution.

As with last summer I am completing a risk assessment. It’s very different, certainly not one I was expecting to be doing this year, or indeed ever. Asking questions and hoping for clear and honest responses. Requesting answers makes me feel like a bother. Receiving them makes me wobble, it’s new and new can be scary. Even if it is familiar territory on paper.

Like latex and rope being known entities, but in a new combination they gave reason to pause.

Fear, however, isn’t a reason to stop. Pause – yes. Assess – absolutely. And, of course, stop if it is not right. But more often than not, for me, it’s a sign of interest, curiosity, a desire to explore and grow. Especially when, historically, things have been very different. Having new opportunities unfold, and being met with a similar energy, an understanding, and (more importantly) an openness to possibilities. But without pressure, there is a naturalness to the process as we feel our way.

Looking for a picture for Sinful Sunday this week, I knew what I wanted to share. Unfortunately I couldn’t find it! But the folder I most enjoyed exploring was the latex and rope session from last summer. And I remembered what amazing experiences unfold when I approach things with courage. (It’s not the boobs, it’s the location and what occurred there.)

Yes, I can manage the risks and proceed with caution, but if I don’t take those risks…

Well, if I hadn’t taken the chance with rope and latex and 1001011 then I wouldn’t have these memories to look back on. A timely reminder of taking a calculated risk. If the worst had happened and my catsuit had split well, it is only rubber. (And I’ve had far worse things happen. Both in rope and throughout my life!) And taking those steps into the unknown, deciding that the fear (which is really just self doubt) is worth it, and ultimately showing myself some true self-love, is exciting.

Who knows where my current risk assessment will take me. And what will I be pausing over next? For now I shall buckle up and enjoy the ride. Remind myself that I’ve a solid grounding in boundaries, what is acceptable to me, and how I choose to show up in the world. Anything else will slip into place as it should.

Sinful Sunday


  1. Darn it, I had typed a reply, gotten distracted and wandered off to read more, gotten focused and realized I needed to subscribe, and then saw that my initial response had been cleared out. 6 AM is apparently hard for me. Anyway – wonderful image! Latex has never been a thing for me, though I have played with it with a friend for whom it is, but that image! Just wow. It could turn me. Super hot. Also, apparently I have been oblivious because I did not realize you had taken over BoobDay. Congrats and I will try (hope to) visit/participate more often. Best of luck with it!

  2. “Requesting answers makes me feel like a bother. Receiving them makes me wobble, it’s new and new can be scary.” OMG! I feel this all too well. That step outside of comfort 🙂
    I love the idea of a risk assessment.

    This image is amazing. Many ropes or not, that combination of being bound and suspended is hard to come by. I know nothing about latex, but with images like this, I feel that familiar tingle you described as interest 🙂

    1. I love it, but fully enclosed will suddenly make me feel nauseous. Definitely recommended, with a confident rigger who can get you down when you turn green 😉

  3. This picture creates anticipation and excitement..the tension (in both senses of the word,) and heightened fear in me, the observer. You look sexy gorgeous Barefoot!

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