A Boobday Collage For Sinful Sunday

Collage of boobs for boobday and sinful sunday, images in grey relief.

What better way to celebrate the launch of Boobday here on A Leap Of Faith, than to join in with the collage prompt over at Sinful Sunday. Why? Well, because, what is better than one picture of boobs? MANY pictures of breasts!

Some of the pictures are entirely new to the blog, shared with S at some point in our last year. Some of them you might, possibly be able to recognise. Can you find my trip to the sauna? Or what about the opportunist flash at the Skate Park? Hmmm, then there are the sports bra strap lines showing in stark relief. But can you find any more?

I’ve been wanting to create a collage for a long time, not for Sinful Sunday or Boobday, but to indulge my own ‘artistic’ streak. I’m an ideas girl me, never short of a fun adventure or creative pursuit. My problem is a lack of time, especially during the school holidays. I am working on my time management, or perhaps I’m working on my motivation. It can be super tricky, maintaining the focus required to get all these grand plans in place! Especially now I’m flying solo.

Not only did I decide that the first Friday in June was the right time to relaunch Boobday, but I’m also managing two fabulous young men through a high energy half term. Oh, and I’m trying to be kind to myself as I manage my mental health which has been somewhat challenged of late. But getting crafty and creative is actually a boost for my wellbeing so, scratch that last excuse! You’ll just have to wait and see what my original collage plans looked like.

Sinful Sunday

Click the lips to see what everyone else is up to this week. I’m sure it will be a bumper link up this week due to it being prompt week.

Boobday Button

Do come and celebrate all things breasts and chests over at Boobday, whether you’re sharing yours or cheering on others!


  1. Hurrah for boobday. I will definitely be joining in once Eroticon is done!

    I can totally relate to time management thing and also focus and distractions. It is something that has been on mind a lot lately as I have been reading so much about ADD and ADHD


    1. Ive researched a lot about the music , dopamine and AdHD thing. Both daughters have it.
      Some great playlists on spotify.
      The other interesting thing. The body doubling effect can be hacked by listening to podcasts or audio books. Having another person around helps us focus . I can write and study and concentrate better with a podcast then silence .
      ( I am not digonosed but daughter’s are )

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