Agonising Over April: A-Z Challenge

Agonising over April header image shows scrabble tiles saying "hello April" laid out on a wooden table
Photo by Polina Kovaleva

Sometimes things can feel like a struggle because they are. Other times they are easy-peasy jobs which feel really difficult. Life is all a bit topsy-turvy at the moment, more settled than they were, but still… Still somewhat weird. And I didn’t know if I could commit myself to the A-Z Blogging Challenge for 2023. As the title says, I’ve been agonising over April and whether I would be wise to participate or not this year.

The thing that is in my mind is a fabulously fascinating alphabetised idea which I have been mulling over since 2018, when I discovered a whole new world of bloggers. The A-Z Blogging Challenge community is full of wonderful writers, artists and other creatives, and I knew from then that I wanted to be part of this. I’m a sex blogger first and foremost, but there is space for everybody here, and I’m definitely not entirely adult in my writings. Some of my pictures are also SFW, convincing me that come 2019 I would enrol.

Since then I’ve partially completed a year (2019), created a them and completed is (2021) and bumped along through the month answering Mrs Fevers questions in bulk as I found time (2022). This year, with my brain all over the place, I wanted to take part, keen to fulfil my original idea, make the most of my knowledge, and that of my friends. Oh, and do some learning! However, time is always a factor and I’ve many commitments at the minute, on top of the temporary unravelling of my world.

How can I do everything I want to do?

Simple answer… I can’t, at least not to the standards I’d like.

On Tuesday I finally managed to get the Jetpack app set up. It’s well documented that I’m a technophobe and it has taken such a silly long time to transfer across because of my fear of getting things wrong and deleting my entire online world.

It seems April isn’t the only thing I’ve been agonising over!

Earlier in the transition process I’d enjoyed a post by Mischa Eliot, thanks to her contributing it to the fabulousness that is Elust. It really is fabulous, as is all of her writing. Do go and have a read once you’ve finished here. Or go and come back, either way. In the post she mentioned switching to the app, seeing the prompts and jumping on the bandwagon. Guess what I did, when I was all set up? That’s right, I checked out the prompts. My first prompt was as follows:

How often do you say “no” to things that would interfere with your goals?

I have been known to share a thing or two about my boundaries. Of all the things I’ve learnt over the last eight/nine years this is an area I’m truly proud of. But while I’ve no problem saying “no” to others, especially when I think of my own path in life, there’s one person that side-swipes me often.

Can you guess who?? That’s right, me!

I often get so excited about an idea I have that I don’t know when to stop. I then end up over committing myself and doing nothing well. My goal in life is always to achieve the best I can, but I don’t always give myself the best chance. So, Tuesday night I went to bed, clear that I wasn’t going to take part in the challenge for 2023. Instead I was going to start pulling together the posts I want to write in preparation for next year.

All that agonising was excruciating.

But I’d put my concerns for April to bed. And that’s the plan I was fully expecting to start on soon.

But then I woke up on Wednesday. And I realised that the amount of writing I have in my finger tips to write this month is more than likely twenty six posts worth. And maybe I can jiggle and juggle them into fitting into an alphabetised format. Given how my head-space has been affected by events from the last five months, I could use the motivation of a month long writing challenge. A place to hold myself accountable for getting the words out that I want to, and the posts that I need to share will also have a spot. This will, hopefully, increase my writing resilience over the coming months. Which is handy as the official theme for the 2023 challenge is Resilience!

Well, well, well. That is certainly a turn up for the books. Barefoot created a single solution, without agenda, for a number of problems in one simple nights sleep. That’s a new one for me!

And so here I am, writing my first post for A-Z April writing challenge, the agonising is over and the words are trippity-trappitying out of my tippity-tappity digits. While you will have a mixed bag of posts to plough through, I hope you’ll find them not too challenging to get through. Some deep thought, some of the story behind the blog, product reviews, pictures and maybe, just maybe, even some erotica. Peace has been restored to my writing mind at last.

No more agonising over the challenge for April, or should that be agonizing?

OK, the peace hasn’t lasted long!

While I go and figure this question of spelling out, I’d love to hear from you. Is there anything you’d like to see from the blog? If not for this month, maybe next. Please do let me know in the comments if there is anything you’ve found interesting and would like to know more about, from my perspective. Things are in flux at the moment, and so now is a great time to ask.

#AtoZChallenge 2023 badge A

Join me as I fly by the seat of my pants for the A-Z April Blogging Challenge 2023. You can find all of my posts for the month here. And you can also find previous years here. 2019 came first. I skipped 2020. 2021 was a full month of photography themed posts. And 2022 was a sparse collection of Q&A style writing, but there were plenty of boobs!.


  1. I am woefully unprepared this year, and my first post — written 6 hrs before the start of the challenge — combines 7 letters as a result. *laugh*

    Roll with it. Do what you can do. Chuck the things you can’t do.

    I’ll look forward to seeing your posts. 🙂

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