T is for Traces

Lady wearing a cerise lacy bra, Framed by the fabric are traces of finger print bruises on her left breast

Sometimes I am knocked for six.

It doesn’t happen very often but occasionally my mind is completely blown.

This week saw just one such situation.

My mind and body flowing over the edge repeatedly in the hands of a friend.

Dressing today I noticed the remnants of passion. Traces of his fingers framed by my bra. Thanking him with a picture and text he was glad I like the marks but he had not intended them.

As far as traces go these are a wonderful surprise.

See what everyone else is up to for  Boobday

boob day meme

Lingerie is for everyone

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary badge

T is for Traces was first published on A Leap of Faith.


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