The Devil Finds Work For Idle Hands

The devil finds work for idle hands header image shows a person with a naked shoulders and a bald head painted gold and green.
Photo by Ivan Siarbolin

The times we had been able to meet- like my birthday in the last post I shared- were so intense. The perfect cherry on top of a wonderful cake, but they were just part of our relationship. However, my devil, Sir, finds work for me whether we are together or not. He likes his toy to be kept busy!

It was this work I did for him between scenes, which kept me on the boil, strengthened our connection.

I was still looking for that elusive female to explore with, the journey was two steps forward and one back. Unable to break through though I was, by this point, keen to meet and try for him. I was able to flirt, and exchanged messages and pictures with a number of women. Availability seemed to be standing in the way of some meets, I had two small children, was still living with P and worked during the days. When trying to match diaries with other women who had similarly packed days it became quite challenging.

Then there were the women who turned out to be men and the couples who were actually just men pretending to be women saying “I want you to play with my boyfriend/husband/partner”. A learning point for me: establish early telephone contact to ensure the gender is as expected. I also discovered that single women can be quite flaky and rude. A pattern established itself where I would be happily chatting with a lady and she would just disappear, no “thanks but no thanks“, or “I’ve changed my mind”. However, I did make contact with a few couples, and passed their details on to Sir (with their permission) but it became quite clear that I needed some more help.

I was taken off of this task while he took matters into his own hands.

I wasn’t allowed to rest though. As the saying goes, the devil finds work for idle hands. Now, switch the devil out for Sir and I was soon thanking him for his suggestion.

I may have not had to be struggling with finding a woman but I did still have things to do.

One Friday I was asked to achieve orgasm as many times as possible. 

I know you are busy, we all are, but I want you to try your best” he asked one Thursday evening. The usual write-up and any possible evidence would be required by him. So I tried hard. I thought I would get a head start, and crawling into bed after P was asleep; it was just after midnight… I got a head start and before I fell asleep I was able to report back that I had managed three. The email awaiting me when I woke stated that it was a good warm up, but the counter started first thing in the morning, I had until midnight tonight. Rather than being grumpy about his words I chuckled to myself. He certainly knew how to play with me and it made me even more determined. Even more aroused.

Undeterred I fitted my jiggle balls and butt plug.

Next I sorted my children out and headed to a busy day at work. I would facilitate a singing group in the morning, lunch was a staff meeting and my afternoon would be lone working in the office. I was able to build myself up over the morning, covering gentle orgasms from the vibrations with poor vocal skills in the singing group. But what happened at the staff meeting was a surprise.

As my manager discussed a first aid course for the whole team I zoned out a little while trying to contain a more powerful yet still hands free climax. When I came back to myself she was asking me if that would be alright for me… Yes, absolutely I said, blushing and assuming it was the first aid course. Nope, how wrong I was. I later discovered that I had agreed to being the fire warden for the three properties which my charity ran. An over stimulated erogenous zone and a moments careless distraction- OK, more than a moment- led to me having more responsibility at work. A bonus which would give me extra meat for the bones for a promotion.

My tasks were helping me grow in unexpected ways, though I’d need to be careful in future. 

The afternoon I spent alone in the office was surprisingly productive. Working hard at my paperwork and increasing my orgasm count at the same time. After work I returned to resume my jobs of mum and wife, and continued my role of Sir’s slut when I was able to squeeze in a period of pleasure.

It hadn’t been an easy day, but by the time midnight rolled around I had achieved more than twenty. Not bad for me. I was still unused to that much release unless I was with sir. And then it wasn’t by my own hand… It was under his control. With his request in my mind I’d pushed myself further than I’d imagined the day before, when he initially set the task. Needless to say I was pleased with myself when I reported back my final tally. Reading his reply “Well N, that’s a good starting point” made me believe that he was pleased too.

I did wonder what work he would find for me next, the wonderful Devil didn’t keep me waiting long to find out…

This is the latest chapter in the story behind the blog. If you’ve not read any before you can dip in and out of the posts or start at the beginning. The next post can be found here. Please do subscribe (in the sidebar) if you want to stay up-to-date.


  1. Finding women in both vanilla life and kink life is like that for most of us. I know I’ve had girls be rude, prude, flaky and dudes. Frustrating.

    My Sir has wanted me to find a female sub for myself for some time now but I am just having no draws to anyone

    1. I am so relieved to read this. There is always that nagging doubt in the back of my mind that there was something that I was doing wrong, or worse something wrong with me!! It’s always nice to know that I’m not the only one to experience this ❤❤

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