The original milk bath Goddess was Cleopatra. The story goes that she would bathe in sour Donkey milk and honey in order to maintain her youth and beauty. Of course, she was a queen rather than a deity but, well, you know… Cleopatra wasn’t alone in her bathing rituals, and Donkey milk has been popular throughout history to help ladies avoid the aging process! (1)
Well, when Stutographer and I were planning our shoot we didn’t quite have that in mind. We had a whole bunch of ideas we wished to test out, and at the bottom of the list was the milk bath. Goddess didn’t even feature, I just hoped we could take some nice pictures.
I can’t believe the magic moment he captured.
There I was, enjoying some time self-tying in the relaxing warmth of my tub. I’d tied the chest harness and one thigh while he prepared the waters. Laying back I melted into my bubble of rope. I’d never tied myself in the water before, this was as good a time as any… So I bound my right leg tight in a quick and dirty futomomo before twisting and pulling myself into the most uncomfortable shape I could think of. At the time I felt like a human pretzel, all angles and edges.
But what I see is a milk bath goddess.
OK, I’m not a thing like Cleopatra, but if there’s more than one way to skin a rabbit then there must be multiple ways to be a queen? And after the eruption last week I’m pleased to find balance once more. Softening back into my flesh again, smooth and sensual. Regaining some semblance of control over my emotions. The gentle, warm and forgiving characteristics that I find so beautiful in myself have returned, and embraced the fire and ice left behind by the rage.
Milk Bath Goddess is my latest link up for Sinful Sunday. Click the lips to see what everyone else is up to this week.
I’m also really excited to add Stu to the photographers I’ve had the pleasure of working with. If you’re a photographer and would like to work with me please do get in touch.
(1) If you want to learn more about the history of milk baths as an anti aging product and make your own, follow this link to Herb and Hedgerow’s post Milk- Natural Beauty Through History.
From the story of how the barefoot sub became the woman she is today, to toy reviews, with a hefty dose of contemplation, a sprinkling of erotica and a LOT of nudity in between, you can be sure to find something to tickle your fancy at A Leap Of Faith.
Wow! this is such an incredible image. The combination of your rope skills, your fantastic position and his camera work has made something really magical.
Missy x
This may well be the pinnacle of my modelling career. And if it is I’m happy. Thank you for your lovely words N x
Absolutely gorgeous ❣️
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment, I’m so pleased you enjoyed it. N x
well done
Thank you Sindee
I have to say I’m completely in awe of this image, the position you’ve gotten into and your rope skills. Amazing xxx
Thank you Julie, we were really pleased with this image in particular.
Such a beautiful tie, I’m impressed by how bendy you are!
I think it’s a combination of yoga and hypermobility, but it definitely comes in handy for getting into weird positions in the bath.
This is one of the most beautiful, erotic images i’ve ever seen. Amazing tie
Thank you for your kind words Sinu, you’ve put a big smile on my face. N
OMG … such a brilliant, beautiful photo.
LOVE it !!!
Xxx – K
Thank you K
N xx
A beautiful tie
Artistic shoot
Lovely layout.