Duets: Because Two Are Better Than One. #17


Karaoke is a big fat no for me, a hard limit if you like… I love to sing (alone) and have performed with work and in plays as a child. However, karaoke is not my thing. At All! The idea of singing duets in Karaoke would never happen so I’m trusting you’ll forgive me for going off brief. 

As a 16 year old I did cut my teeth in karaoke with my rugby team. We did solo, team and duets. My duet was with a rock singer who just happened to share my name and was the opposite flanker. And so, in an attempt to fulfil today’s challenge… I am sharing my history of singing karaoke duets with you in its entirety. In the hope I will never have to sing Karaoke again, and can put the whole thing to bed! Anyway, we sang Wild Thing by The Troggs. We also got a standing ovation, but I rather suspect that is due to the large quantities of beer consumed in the Rugby Club House.

I love music and am always on the lookout for something new to listen to, so I hope the 30-Day Song Challenge inspires some of you to share.


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