Chase The Rainbow – Beautiful Marks

Two photos of a pair of thighs, taken from above. One with beautiful marks, the other with a rainbow of wax.

In last week’s Sinful Sunday post I shared that I was making new memories. Well, my second trip to see Willo was as joyful as the first, and I came home wearing a big smile and a rainbow of beautiful marks. (Oh, and clothes too!)

I’ve loved watching the colours change, poking and prodding the marks to get the best from them. (And to entertain not just Willo, but myself too. It’s been one hell of a week.)

Yesterday I noticed the kaleidoscope of colours fading away. I wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye to my beautiful marks so decided to celebrate them with a wax rainbow.

I’ve loved wax pouring for years, since DrLovelace encased my feet back in 2018. I’ve taken it upon myself to tip molten wax all over much of myself (and others). But never had I ever poured wax on bruises. What better use for the brilliant colour kandles by kitten that I had in the kink cupboard, just waiting to be used again.

Oh, I’m delighted with the results!

I hope you enjoy it too…

Sinful Sunday

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