Teaser Trailers, A Thong And A Leash

Teaser Trailers A Thong And A Leash header image shows me kneeling in a red thong with a leash trailing down my front, positioned between the knees of a friend.

At the start of Fotos With Friends week, and again at the outset of Friends Behind The Lens, I promised you a look at stories yet to be shared. Teaser trailers if you will. But these have, to date, all been glimpses of stories that I have enjoyed and stored away for when the time comes to share.

This picture is different though.

Yes, of course I’m familiar with the events that unfolded on the day it was taken. And two weeks later, on our next opportunity to enjoy each others’ company. But for me this is all new. Well, not the marks, but the company and our own interactions. We both have a hint of what might be to come, but are both gently feeling our way. No grand designs based on what has been and gone. Just great company and starting from the beginning. As equals but not quite.

As such this image is as much a teaser for me as it is for you. You don’t even get a name! As Oscar Isaac said:

“I always like teaser trailers because they don’t give too much away, you know? They just give a flavour of what the thing is.”
February Photo Fest 2024

Returning for another year, welcome to my fifth February PhotoFest effort. If you would like, follow the links to explore past years:


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