In Celebration Of Self Fisting

self fisting while reclining sideways on my bed, arm reaching between my thighs and hand disappearing inside of me.
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Did you know that the 21st October is international fisting day? I was quite surprised when I learnt about it a couple of weeks ago. Fortuitous timing as I was wondering what exactly to use for my stretching practise that day. It occurred to me that a spot of self fisting was in order, to give proper celebration to this special occasion.

I had planned on sharing a post on international fisting day itself, but life has been a heavy weight and polishing this piece was a task too far. I am also shy when it comes to sharing pictures of my pussy, so the idea of saving until next year felt far too much like a cop out.

Looking into things a little deeper I learnt for my self that international fisting day is a celebration of fisting for those who love it. It is also a way of flipping the bird at internet censorship which inevitably makes me smile.

International Fisting Day celebrates fisting, a sex act where the entire hand is used. The day is used to show pride for fisting, and to raise awareness about the censorship and banning of fisting in much of adult entertainment. The day was created in 2011 by Jiz Lee and Courtney Trouble, who thought the day would help fight fisting censorship in pornography, because people would be learning about, talking about, and celebrating fisting. The creators of the day have encouraged celebrants to share stories of fisting, make videos of fisting, try fisting with a partner or alone, and to host sex education events.

At the time I knew the dates would line up with Sinful Sunday.

However, I had no desire to share a photo of me with my hand lodged deep in my vagina.

Besides, I had other plans! A different picture and story entirely.

Instead I made a GIF (and video) and shared with D. Wednesday came and went with no further thought on the matter. Thursday was exceptionally uninspiring, until… I was scrolling through my images, looking for something in particular. Clapping eyes on the collection I marvelled at how sexy it (I?) looked. I’d not seen myself, doing this, from this angle before and I had to admit to liking what I saw.

Now, I know I have shared pictures of my pussy before, and likely will again. But it is a rarity for me, rather than the norm. But I couldn’t help going back to the Fisting Day website. As a lover of self fisting, I suddenly found myself wanting to give a celebration for this event. I may not be a porn star whose fisting work is being censored, nor is my income under threat. But the fisting category is one I come back to (and often just cum to) time and again. If I want to keep being able to watch this genre maybe I should get off the fence and share my own joy at being stuffed so full you don’t know where your hand ends and the vaginal muscles start.

I did of course have to get over my nerves at posting such a graphic picture online.

Fortunately, self hosting on an adult server removes the risk that WordPress will cancel me. Again! There is also the risk that people will start to leave lewd comments. And I’m not always the most polite when it comes to those kinds of comments. But… I do love fisting, both watching others or feeling for my self, so a (belated) celebration on my terms seems in order.

Time to get over my nerves and hit publish!

And maybe next year I’ll have an even more impressive inserted hand to share!

Sinful Sunday
Pussy Pride


  1. I have no idea how you manage to twist yourself in order to do this! Luckily (or me) there is no way I could bear the pain of a fist in me so I don’t have to try and contort myself *laughs.

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