At the end of most days I ask myself the following question: “What was your favourite part of today?” It’s also a staple question for family meal times, and also when I’ve attended kinky events and played with friends. It stands to reason that I would ask this of my close friends after I’d introduced them to a new experience, right?
Late last month I took SWL to her first rope event. Previously I shared the story of how we met, back in 2018 before a munch. Since then I’ve coaxed her along to an actual munch a year or so later, and a private, small scale function. But this was the first time I’d brought her to see this side of the community.
With a few hours of tying time, I got stuck in.
It’s been a long time since I’ve attended a rope specific event, and I’m so lucky to be able to spend a lot of time in 1001011’s ropes. I get greedy for that side of our collaboration and so felt I’d be fairly rusty in my rope handling skills.
The simple tie above looks a lot more fancy than it actually is. A single column tie round an ankle, wrap the rope around and around and around. Finally secure with frictions, of which my preference is munter hitches. Having only self-tied this previously I didn’t realise it would be quite so secure, but SWL was a good sport, giggling as I rolled her round, tickled her and, with a friend, swung her round like a bowling ball. Part of me wishes I’d been brave and accepted the help of a different friend to suspend her. I reckon an adult swingball adaptation would have been much fun!
Once I had tired of this I released her and we each had a cuppa and some biscuits before I bound her again. This time using some sadistic rubber ropes courtesy of Bear Bites Bondage. I wanted to bind her legs in a vaguely futomomo-esque way and, knowing how much these evil boingy ropes hurt, I wanted to try them on a fellow maochist.
Soon I started pulling the wraps, with eye contact as I let the bands ping.
Pings met with giggles. Pings met with “Ouchies”. And then, pings met with “I’ve got one more like that in me”. This is the kind of clear, direct communication I offer as a bottom. And what I need as a top. And as such SWL and I work really well together, collaborating on painful play. I trust her implicitly to communicate what she is experiencing while suffering for me. And she trusts me too, to keep her safe and not overstretch either of us in the pursuit of pain!
Removing the ropes and settling her back to the wall, I made sure she was safe before heading to the kitchen. Spaced and glassy eyed, I know she enjoyed watching the various different riggers around the room. Particularly 1001011 who was, at that point, releasing Bunny from a suspension. I always feel that watching him is art, he doesn’t DO rope. He IS rope. I was so pleased when she blissfully announced, later that evening, that she had been utterly mesmerised by him.
During the evening, I asked “what’s your favourite thing about today?”
Her reply gave me such a grin, it was such a familiar response as it echoes my thoughts from my first few times out in the scene. She had been nervous that the event would be full of pristine, fashion-modelesque leggy beauties. Glossy, primed and glamorous. Instead she found that everyone who attended was just… normal. All kinds of body types from across the entire gender spectrum. A room full of love for rope, and gaining skills. Patience abound for those earlier on their learning journey, sharing of skills and a seemingly never ending mug of tea.
Bouncing the question back to me, I knew what the best bit was.
“Today you trusted me – not just to tie you up and hurt you but to introduce you to a different part of my world, new people and experiences – that was my favourite thing.” Yes, I loved hurting her. The marks developed beautifully, and I enjoyed those as much as if they were on my own flesh. Reminding my hands of what they are good at made me grin. Oh, and seeing friends, old and new, while introducing different parts of my friendship circle to each other. (And maybe setting wheels in motion for rope-y play times with riggers I know and trust but have yet to be bound by.)
To trust and be trusted. For me these are such powerful feelings. To be trustworthy requires me to check in with myself regularly. I always want to ensure I’m within my skillset, though I do always try to learn more, adapt and gain confidence. And if I’m stretching the boundaries of what I know, am I with someone who knows I am learning. Is aware of the risks of what we are doing. And can I trust them to tell me if things are not feeling right for them.
Regardless of whether you’re attending a rope munch, off on some grand adventure or are just chilling out at home in a blanket fort, I’d love to invite you to ask yourself:
“What was my favourite thing of today?”
Favourite Thing Of Today: Rope Munch Edition is being shared for Sinful Sunday and Mmm Mondays Meme. Follow these links to see my archives. Or click on the buttons above to see what everyone else is up to this week.
From the story of how the barefoot sub became the woman she is today, to toy reviews, with a hefty dose of contemplation, a sprinkling of erotica and a LOT of nudity in between, you can be sure to find something to tickle your fancy at A Leap Of Faith.
Oh, I love this! I also ask “what was your favourite part of today?” at dinner, etc., but I think I’ll start asking random people in random places. Everyone needs a bit of a pick me up, I’m sure 🙂
Love that you’re sharing rope ties! I recently had a rigger reach out to me looking for a partner, and might just get my favourite part of today soon 🙂
It is such a brilliant question to ask a partner and one I have done on many occasions. It always led to lovely bonding conversations and often plans for other things in the future