Who’s the cock sucking slut, kneeling at your feet? Telling me “I’m not a monster!” as you placed a cushion by my feet, gestured for me to kneel, naked, pliable. You position me just so, gentle but firm hands in my hair. One stray thumb under my chin, guiding it down further, while my head stays in your grip. Exposed, vulnerable, I know without you making a sound that this is how you want me. I can feel your eyes burning into my flesh, goosebumps erupt across my naked chest as your eyes sweep across them, nipples swelling as your fingers graze across them. The cool air pairing with my vulnerability to make my secret world come alive.
My head may be tilted down but my eyes are free to roam.
To wander over the bulge in your shorts. To wonder what lies hidden beneath the flimsy fabric. You lean back in your chair. Do you know I’m watching you? Can you feel my gaze burning into your crotch, willing you to lose control of your desires and to pull my mouth onto your hardening cock, sucking and pleasuring you, devouring your essence. Closing my eyes I catch your scent. My mouth floods, preparation for what I hope is to come.
I want you in my mouth. I want to taste you, to explore you, to bring you untold pleasure. My mind saunters off into the distance, imagination takes me to a moment where you may chose to fuck my throat. I shift on my knees, breaking the seal of my lips, allowing the moisture to break free and trail lazily across my puffy labia. The descending droplet lingers on my lips, a frustrating reminder of my need.
And still you wait.
You reach down, touch me, chastise me for being such a hungry little cock sucking slut.
My face tilts, betraying my supplicant nature, pleading eyes look up into yours. “Standards”, you murmur as you reset my position. It’s all about learning, and you’re being a patient educator. Unlike your student who grows tetchy at the delay, fidgety in my arousal, squirming in my need. But I return to stillness, through some miracle, kneel quietly, a model of patience as I silently wait. The chattering in my head, the requests, all thrum through my body, soon feel like I’m vibrating.
Show me what you want. Please. Teach me what you need, share with me the ways to turn you into a needy slut too. A needy slut who needs my mouth sucking on your cock. Let me see the way your hand waxes your shaft. The pace that fires you up and makes your glans turn purple with lusty rage. That gets your blood flowing through your veins, creating ridges and valleys along your velvety shaft. Let me inhale your passion, rub your balls over my nose, block my nostrils with your weighty sac. Make me struggle, until the evidence floods from between my lips. Take a rest as I recover, grinding your sensitive cock between my cheek and teeth. you devil! You pull back until you slide out of my mouth… Unintentionally. You’ve told me that any slippage will result in a slapped face but you wouldn’t, would you?
How long I am in this fantasy is anyone’s guess. But in amongst the depraved thoughts I’ve settled, accepted my position, glazed eyes attempting to focus upon your knees now. The need rumbling through my soul is still there but my body has relented, held in position by a desire to please you, to wait as you wish, to be ready for my first taste.
You see the change. Of course you do.
My drop from haughty eagerness for my own pleasure (as much as yours) to soft, supple submission. Stroking my hair you rise to your feet, feed yourself between my open, waiting lips. My tongue darts and cheeks hollow, instinctively taking over, desire to taste you, to pleasure you, to enjoy you takes over. Your hands cupping my face as you pull out until your head is resting between my lips, “no sucking”, that tone makes me melt. Kind and patient, but firm, definitely firm, “just let me slide in and out, that’s it. Nice and easy. Yes,” you moan slightly, easily, your voice caressing the last of the strong, independent woman away.
You continue to grow. Your gentle ease gradually giving away to more primal needs. The shift from gentle, co-conspirator of pleasure to demanding, face-fucker taking place with subtlety and grace. My cushion smeared with my desires as you use my mouth, steal my breath, make me struggle. No tears yet, but there is plenty of time. No rush for either of us. This, as you say, is about learning, an easy exploration.
And this is just my first taste.
Take my hand and lead me astray. Please.
Let me be your cock sucking slut, help me learn your desires, teach me what buttons to press.
Join me as I fly by the seat of my pants for the A-Z April Blogging Challenge 2023. You can find all of my posts for the month here. And you can also find previous years here. 2019 came first. I skipped 2020. 2021 was a full month of photography themed posts. And 2022 was a sparse collection of Q&A style writing, but there were plenty of boobs!.
For less current memories of cock sucking, you might enjoy Memories Are Timeless Treasures. Or perhaps give Cunnilingus And Me a read, I’m curious to know if this needs revisiting in the near future. This phase, after all, is about learning.
From the story of how the barefoot sub became the woman she is today, to toy reviews, with a hefty dose of contemplation, a sprinkling of erotica and a LOT of nudity in between, you can be sure to find something to tickle your fancy at A Leap Of Faith.
Phew. That was steamy. You are a very talented erotica writer. This was very well written with lots of emotion and passion and lust.
Thank you for stopping by! I’m so glad you enjoyed this post, I loved writing it
very enjoyable i myself have an oral fixation, whetre its Sir’s ample cock or Mistress’s toes , fingers, nipples or clit , i can just lay still with my mouth full and just enjoy the sub space.
loved this post