Making Bus Stops More Interesting

Making bus stops more interesting header shows a lady exposing her breast in a bus stop, passing traffic in the road.

“Bus stops are far more interesting and useful places to have art than museums”


What comes to mind when you think of bus stops? I always seemed to find myself with wet legs, because the roofs never quite provided quite enough shelter. Earlier this summer I went on a fabulous adventure on a coach which, naturally, saw me at a variety of coach stations and bus stops. The last time I was waiting for a bus was on the night I went to the fireworks with SWL. The following day we returned to the city, went hunting for locations. It’s always nice to get to know new places, or old favourites in new ways. There are some treats in store for the coming Scavenger Hunt posts, but I had to start here.

Given that it seems I spend more time at bus stops than in museums I agree with Banksy. That they would be valuable places to display art. So here I am, creating my very own work of art, just for you!

I was delighted to see Sub Bee’s post Stop. They went on a special trip to Yorkshire to find Shaun The Sheep. With their ovine companion by their side, they’ve created a gorgeous work of art!

Scavenger Hunt Bronze

Have you enjoyed my efforts to make bus stops more interesting? It’s my 107th Scavenger Hunt location!


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