The Coach: How Do You Monday?

Smiling lady exposing breast discretely onboard a coach. Sticker covering her eyes says "How do you Monday?"
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Last weekend I shared my latex clad bottom, and promised I’d be back soon, following on from a big (for me) adventure. Well, here I am! I had big plans for my Scavenger Hunt, but for many reasons I wasn’t as productive as I’d hoped. Nevertheless, I started out well, and as I sat aboard the coach on Monday, in the very early hours, waiting for our departure, I managed to tick one location off my list.

While the trip was my first solo, overseas adventure, the coach is my 105th Scavenger Hunt location.

I know how nervous I was before my first ever public exposure, but that didn’t come close to how I’ve been feeling since jumping in and arranging my travels. And as I sat on the coach on Monday, taking this picture helped settle me. First and foremost these pictures are taken for Sir; dipping into the submissive mindset gave me the chance to breathe and relax.

And then?

Well, then we were off. My French driver cutting a path through the streets of London. Picture in my phone I sat back in my seat, typing away to Sir while the miles ticked by. So that’s how I spent (part of) my Monday, on a coach travelling new and exciting paths. Last year I wrote about my favourite city and how I wanted to explore further afield. Has Paris become my new favourite place? Is it yours? I’d love to know what you feel about the city of love.

More on this in a later post, but now on to a fellow blogger whose confidence shines through always.

She’s a constant source of inspiration to me, and her post Modesty Catches A Bus is no exception. If you’ve not seen K’s blog before do go and check out her posts. See if you’re inspired too!

Scavenger Hunt Bronze

Boob Day

Have you enjoyed The Coach: How Do You Monday? If you haven’t seen it already, do go and check out Barefoot takes The Train. I can’t believe I shared that one almost two years ago. However, the hair, smile and dress have all remained the same.


  1. Paris – my old job took me there quite often. I love it. The food, the history, the sites. I’ve walked from the Musé d’Orsi to Monté Marte and Sacré Cours. Been there in every season I loved them all. One of many favorite cities.

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