Self Love On A Lunchbreak

lunch break self love header image shows woman dressed in skirt and vest top, pressing a hitachi magic wand between her legs.

Do you ever have one of those days where everything is backed up, deadlines are looming and you have yet another optional extra that is going to eat into your, already stretched working week? This morning I was working on my BFM entry which, as usual, I have struggled to get out of my head. This afternoon I had the second half of an online writing course. In the middle I had twenty minutes going spare. Would I take time out for a sandwich? Or sandwich some self love into my lunchbreak?

It had been a while so the latter option seemed the better option. (I say “a while” but what I really mean is a couple of days. However, I’m like a bitch on heat at the moment so it felt like a lifetime!) And besides, I could eat while in the online classroom so long as I mute my microphone. I feel it would be less polite to masturbate through a crime and mystery writing course, don’t you agree.

Dashing upstairs I didn’t even bother removing more than my knickers, which were discarded at the foot of the bed. My vest top reminding me to be kind, which in this instance meant to myself. Short on time I reached down the side of my bed, flicked the power on and lifted my original magic wand from its not-so-secret hiding place. Today I needed the gentle friction of the wands head, over the smooth power of my Doxy.

Soon enough I was writhing around in ecstasy. Moaning into the pillow as I convulsed through a handful of orgasms. And another. Then another. Peeling myself off of the sheets, replacing my lacey knickers and flicking the switch of the wand, I was soon ready to return to my working day. And the tasty snack I had waiting for me, particularly welcome for having worked up an appetite through my lunchbreak of self love.

Every Damn Day in June
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  1. Something about this time of year has me hornier than usual. Maybe it’s the solstice. And you are not alone in delaying completion of this round of BFM. Ugh the deadline looms.

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