1. It’s nice to know another rope buny (or slut). I also miss the munches and rope nights, spending time with sadistic friends. I really miss naked yoga (which is really strange because being nude in public gives me the oddest form of anxiety).
    As for homeschooling, knot tying is a class at my house. But i have a rock climber and sailor as well as an earth ranger ,so it doesn’t seem out of place. Lol

    1. I love the idea of rope classes. Smallest has been tying himself in skipping ropes for years… I think common sense should prevail for homeschooling!

      I love naked yoga, but doing it outdoors at the moment is chilly! Not as cold as what you have to deal with though!

  2. I love reading about your experience with rope, and love even more to look at the ties you do. Like you know, I have only started dabbling into self-ties, and really need to get back to it. I think my goal for this year is to be able to do at least a couple of ties from memory, which means I will have to practice first to perfect them 🙂
    ~ Marie xox

    1. I think it builds up in layers. I still feel the frustration when learning new ties, but then, all of a sudden, my fingers are doing the work without input from my brain. It’s weird. The only thing I can say is stick with it. And the practise is always fun! N xx

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