Progress Not Perfection

Lady sitting on public steps exposing her breasts for the post Progress not perfection

It seems like such a long time ago that I was taking that first step on the staircase of Sir. At the time the concept of progress over perfection was completely alien to me.

Sometimes I feel like I am being put on a pedestal by some of my friends. I try to lead a good life and share my positivity and progress. Occasionally (I feel) this makes them believe I am right at the top of the staircase. But then something happens and I feel like I am starting all over again. Recently I pushed hard, potentially too hard, and came tumbling back down the stairs. What goes up must come down again, right? However, I wasn’t back down to the first step again. I sometimes forget the little things, and actually they are the most important.

So, for now I shall keep climbing my own personal staircase. And try to remember that:

Personal growth is about progress, not perfection.

~Hal Elrod~

And while I keep that in mind I shall keep the progress going with my scavenger hunt…

This week I wanted to share Master’s Pleasing Bitch’s post, On the stairs. When this post showed up in my reader I had to applaud her. (I did a little clapping jig in my lounge) This picture is so utterly perfect for the scavenger hunt!

 Scavenger Hunt Bronze

Did you enjoy Progress Not Perfection? Then give this post a try: Always Be A Work In Progress


  1. It’s always better to climb our own personal staircases, to know who we are and be true to that, while learning more about the world around us, and paying forward kindness. Lovely image. I can almost see the smile in your eyes 🙂
    ~ Marie

    1. SWL is very trigger happy when it comes to helping me with this project, and she is great at capturing my smile. (as well as my boobs) xx

  2. None of us can ever reach the top of that staircase. We need to keep on climbing up, sometimes we stumble, sometimes we need to stop for a rest. But climbing and growing is what we need to do.

    1. I think it would be boring if we could reach the top. What would we have to work towards then? Pushing hard and stumbling gave me time for reflection, which is hmgrowth in and of itself.

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